7 Ways to Relax Every Day
We often think of the hustle and bustle of work week as a time to grind, without a whole lot of reprieve. We tend to save the “relaxation” time for the weekend. However, I’d venture to say that we all need (and want) some relaxing time within the busyness of the week.
I totally get that the Monday to Friday whirlwind is full of schedules, to-do lists, deadlines, and happenings. Which is also why recharging our batteries daily makes a big difference in the work-life balance. Your whole well-being depends on deepening your connection with yourself, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
So let’s get practical about it:
1. Disconnect to Reconnect.
Turn your phone off. I know it sounds so elementary, but it matters. Don’t bring your phone to the dinner table. Leave in the other room while you play with your kids. Enjoy your morning coffee unplugged. Spend some quality time with your family and yourself.
Your brain, your eyes, and your fingers will appreciate the break, too.
We are so used to being plugged in that we often forget how good it feels to disconnect. Allow yourself to reconnect to things that are more important.
2. Laugh like no one is watching.
“Laughter is the best medicine.” That’s right, get that seratonin pumping.
Sit with your family and tell stories. Have a dance party in your living room.
Nothing lifts your mood and energy like a good belly laugh.
3. Ground your body.
I know this might be a smidgen outside of your comfort zone, but stick with me.
Grounding is a therapeutic exercise to electrically reconnect you to the Earth because of the electrical charges from the earth have a positive and ionizing effect on the body.
So, take off your shoes and socks, and put your feet on the grass, in the dirt, and just breathe.
Think of all the children’s smiling faces when they play in the dirt! That’s exactly what they are doing.
I have probably mentioned breathing in the previous 3 sections because there really is something to getting more oxygen to your brain and lungs, and ultimately, the whole body.
This is probably one of the easiest, cheapest, and best ways to recharge yourself at a moment’s notice. No extras required. You can do it anywhere and at any time. You can practice it solo or your loved ones.
Sit or stand or even lay down; close your eyes, and take a deep belly breath. Fill your belly with air on the inhale, and exhale by blowing out the air from your belly out of your nose.
Try different styles of breathing when in a stressful situation. Breathe in for a count of 4 (with your tongue at the roof of your mouth) through your nose, hold your breath for a count of 7, and exhale to empty for a count of 8 through your mouth.
Explore the art of pranayama, a series of mindful breathing practices.
5. Move your body.
I know you know this. And I also know you have a laundry list of things to do, including laundry. However, you need this, too. I’m just here to remind you that it doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t have to go to a gym. You don’t have to go take a class. You can do something simple.
Think of taking a walk after work, before or after dinner with the family. Walk around the playground while you watch your kids play. Take your dog for a walk.
Because that movement helps increase the blood flow in your body and brain. It clears your mind and dusts off the cobwebs from the previous activities. It boosts your “feel good” hormone seratonin. And it increases your energy levels. So it’s a win-win-win situation.
BONUS: Stretch in the morning after getting out of bed or before getting into bed. Do some basic yoga poses. Lengthen your muscles, lubricate your joints at the beginning and the end of the day.
6. minimize your cleanup time.
If you know me, you know that I love a good decluttering session on the weekend. However, the reason I love decluttering is because it frees up my space during the week. When there isn’t a whole lot of unnecessary stuff laying around. The daily cleanup doesn’t require as much energy and effort.
As a family, we have created spaces for certain things. And yes, I have a basket problem as a result. But it makes a difference because everyone knows where things go.
My 5-year-old can actively participate in cleaning up his toys and laundry, as well as working together to clean up around the house with us.
I love a clean kitchen in the morning, so we tidy it up the night before to avoid any unnecessary stress waking up to it.
Figure out what works for you and your family, and then get everyone to participate to keep things picked up.
My best friend Taylor has 6 kids and their rule is that the main floor is free of toys, books, and clutter at the end of the night. So before bedtime, everyone puts their stuff away in their rooms to keep their common area free of extra things.
7. invest in yourself.
As a mom, doing something for yourself is typically the last on your to-do list, especially if it’s not something “productive.” However, I really want to challenge you to do something that doesn’t have to be quantifiable, something for just you, something that fills your cup.
It may be to take 15 minutes for yourself to meditate, read your non-practical book, knit or crochet, sit in the car before you walk in the door, or anything else that you don’t want or need to explain to anyone else.
Go meet your friends for coffee or dinner. Take yourself out to a meal. Take an extra long stroll through Target with a Starbucks coffee. You deserve it, my friend!
BONUS: Take some extra time for a full body massage, whether a Swedish or a deep tissue one. Locally, I love seeing my amazing friend and massage therapist Ashley Young (in the building next to my office). She keeps me in great shape monthly.
“It is all about finding the calm in the chaos.”
All of these techniques we’ve talked about above here are to give you a little extra relaxation in your every day life, to simplify your daily routines, and to make things easier for you physically, mentally, and emotionally. Involve your household to help take some burden off you, even if it takes longer than it should. And remember that you are totally worthy of the little extra zen in your day-to-day whirlwind as you find your work-life balancing act!
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