COVID-19 Precautions and Plans for Our Office

Before Your Visit

If you're experiencing fever, cough, or other symptoms of illness before your appointment, please notify us to reschedule appropriately.

If you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, even without symptoms, we ask that you remain in self-quarantine for 2 weeks before your next appointment. Same directions apply with traveling by air.

The table & commonly touched surfaces are cleaned between each visit, with non-toxic and safe cleaners and disinfectants for the whole family.

Our goal is to SERVE you and we are happy to make individual accommodations per request to best of our abilities, just give us a heads up.

upon arrival for your visit

In case of appointment overlap, we will ask you to remain in the car until the previous appointment and appropriate cleaning has been completed.

Please wash your hands when you first come in.

after your visit

Make sure to wash your hands once you are back at home.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle with a healthy varied diet that includes fresh vegetables and fruit rich in vitamin C & D, add a probiotic to your supplement regimen, move your body daily, spend time outside to produce more vitamin D, and make sure to get enough sleep daily to maintain a strong and healthy immune system overall.

Maintain your regular chiropractic care as each adjustment boosts your immune system by 200%.

Use clean and non-toxic personal care and home products that will your immune system to stay strong.