Do you keep your promises to yourself?
Stop 🛑 and think for a minute! Do you keep your promise to YOURself? Now you’re really thinking about it, aren’t you?
Wondering why I’m asking you? Well….I found myself tonight considering breaking my promise to my damn self. I’ve had a couple loooong days at my chiropractic office full of amazing patient families, which I absolutely love. Also, my line of work is pretty physical, so my body tends to get a little achy after a bit. So I told myself when I came home, did bedtime with the little one, and after dinner with my husband, I would take a nice long soaking bath to relax and rejuvenate. And that’s when things went awry…
My sweet little angel boy decided that his normal bedtime routine and time frame wasn’t going to cut it. Why you ask? Well, to be quite frank with you, who the heck knows? He did take an afternoon nap, which isn’t typically the case, so maybe that threw him off. Regardless, the whole bedtime ritual that we practice daily wasn’t cutting it, as he wasn’t having any of it. The long and the short of it, it took F-O-U-R hours for him to finally fall asleep! Yup, that’s 1…2…3…4 HOURS. To say that I was loosing my ever-loving mind is putting it mildly.
“I’ve made a promise to myself to be a 100% healthy person if nothing else.”
Remember how I told you earlier that I almost broke a promise to myself? Well, after that whole ordeal and it being 11:35 PM as I got out of his room, I was ready to throw in the towel and just go to bed. But then I said to myself, “No, damn it!” And that’s when it really dawned on me how easy it is to put myself last. I mean, I was tired, frustrated, and depleted, so calling it a day would have made a lot of sense. But something in me stopped me and stomped my proverbial foot, and I said to myself, “No, YOU need this! YOU deserve this!” So I pivoted and drew a bath with Epsom salt and geranium essential oils, my Beautycounter Lemongrass Sugar Scrub, and spent about 30 minutes soaking. Afterwards, I did my nighttime skincare routine with my beloved Countertime Collection and Overnight Resurfacing Peel. And I am feeling really good inside and out!
So now I’m really past my bedtime, but I wanted to illustrate this anecdote to you because it’s so relatable. Am I right? We all do it. As mothers, as parents, as caretakers, we often choose doing something for someone else over doing something for ourselves, even when we really need it. The thing we forget is that everyone will be ok, even when we put ourselves first, when we put that oxygen mask (remember airplane safety 😃). Not only are we doing something that will benefit our well-being, but we are also setting an example for our family on how they should put themselves as a priority without an adverse cost to themselves.
Now tell me if you have had a similar moment of clarity before and what are some ways that you have or will put yourself as a priority in the near future.